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Restaurant Critic & Food Blogger
One of the beautiful things of having a blog is the fact that I can use it as a forum on anything I'd like to blog about.
One of my concerns is how we are destroying our earth and everything it offer to us. Let's face it, there were civilizations befoe we became the USA that took advantage of wht our earth had to offer. The Native American Indians used certain herbs to combat the common cold like Echinacea and Golden Seal both to build up the immune system and help reduce the cold to a few days. Today this herb is in capsule form as a natural remedy to fight the common cold and build up the immune system but the biggest obstacle is the FDA hasn't approved it. In China, the lifestyle and diet contributed vastly to the overall health of the people. No lounge lizards, always active, all types of fruits and veggies to combat diabetes, reduce high blood pressure and lower sugar. There is a vegetable called bitter melon that reduces blood sugar and inflammation and Guava fruit, greek yogurt, tumeric (like in indian food), Avocado (fresh) to name few, special teas (Pure Green Tea) or OoHlong Tea promote healthy living. Arthritis, yes, as we age, our bones change due to inflammation. Yep we have motrin, Advil, Tylenol to calm the swelling. But did you know there are foods that cause inflammation? Yep, its true/ Avoid certain foods that cause inflammation and you'll notice the difference, less pain. Tumeric, yogurt and avocado help to reduce inflamation! Let's face it, our government is controlled by the lobbyist who represent multinationl corporations who are in busines to make money. The only way to do this in the food industry is to cater to the American taste buds, sweet salty, crunchy and savory are the key factors used by them to create delicious meals and treats. Is it healthy? him the jury is still out on that. Has the Millenial Generation contributed to the food industry changing their thinking? Yep they have. No more artificial this and that, no more additives, all natural meats, free range animls, cane sugar versus detrose or frutose. Non hormone fed beef chikens nd pigs, no grain fed beef now grass fed, like nature intended. But we are seeing an evolution of learning from other cultures, adopting their foods as healthy without preservatives or artificial chemicals. It's taken long time but we're seeing changes going to to simpler time for food. BUT there are still multinational that are pushing certain ingredients and products like the dairy industry, ADM (Arthur Daniels Midland), Sugar Industry, etc.....that have a huge stack in wht direction the industry is going, Snack Association. Yet we are destroying the rainforest which to me is a microcosm of various vegetation and plants that are natural remedies to better our health versus planting palm plants fo the mfg of palm oil used in candy, cakes and sweets. Not exactly good for us. We are depleting our oceans by harvesting millions of tons of fish. When have you see Chilean Sea Bass on the menu. We'vee raped our oceans to the point extinction. Where's are the country's management of our oceans. It seems we are only concerned with other countries fishing in our waters. Sharks are now endangered. Since the rise of the middle class in China, Shark Fin is a delicacy in soups, but the reality is shark fin has no flavor, its the broth that gives the flavor and shark fin represents a certain status. Just keep in mind this Millions are killed every year. Aren't we upsetting the ecosystem in our oceans? |
January 2024
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